
Sleep when the baby sleep is the biggest piece of shit advice. I think it is more common knowledge now that women have trouble breast feeding. There are lactation consultants at hospitals and available for house calls, but the f*** exhaustion. It’s like no I can’t sleep when the baby sleep because that is when I get

You do realize POC means People of Color, of which I am one. And as an African American woman, I’m tired of the party’s focus on these racist White voters. The party has taken for granted that we will continue to save the party in key states. So far that has worked.  But I wouldn’t trust it. If voters are going to

I don’t think there really is getting these people back to the party. At this point they are voting against their interest based on emotion that emotion has turned into racism. Biden should absolutely engage in policies that help all working class people, but to me there was way to much navel gazing in 2016 on how to


I mean Scheana is insufferable, but what she said above not so much. If you want to be a parent then getting the news it is happening is for many parents the most exciting news in their lives. I also appreciate how she shouted out the many ways that one can be a parent. I just suffered a miscarriage and if I found out

Yeah. I really don’t get dick picks. I have never taken a nude picture of myself nor have I ever received one. I just really don’t get in the era of FaceTime. Can’t you just FaceTime someone nude to the extent you are having internet sex? That way no photo record. I would just assume if I were a celebrity that I would

I am sorry for your loss.  Cancer is so cruel.  

He is only 34. Not crazy to think at that age he hasn’t lost a parent, sibling or close friend. I am just a few years older and that is true for me. Grandparents are in a different league, because they leave us when they are old and it is expected — I don’t think anyone expects there 43 year old friend to die. 

I was responding specifically this: “Let’s be honest, though - a decent chunk of the things that make NYC great are currently on hold and may not be back for years in even an optimistic view.” My question and the question of many commentators is what makes New York great? I would argue its the people and other than

Yup.  I got civilly married and then had a big wedding, party, and bachelorette and honeymoon 10 months later.  Probably like any “reality show” though some of it was played up for the camera.  But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t also meaningful for them. 

I have been living in NYC since 2006, first Manhattan started uptown, moved midtown, then East Village and finally Brooklyn the last 3 years. New York is not dead. Have restaurants and bars closed yes: but not all of them. Less than half have closed in my neighborhood. (We haven’t felt comfortable eating out, but

So pandemic has led me down the path of celebrity gossip. I find myself looking at it much much more than normal times, maybe because I cannot go out and spend time talking to my friends about their lives, so I clicked on the Jen Garner link, when I normally wouldn’t.

We are sending my daughter back to daycare next month, because I just can’t anymore. Her daycare has been open this whole time, but we are in New York and wanted to take her out not just for her safety but so the daycare workers did not have to go in anymore. But now that things are calmer in New York the calculus has

How often do you go around telling black people to grow the fuck up, especially when they tell you have offended or hurt them? I mean the kind of racism your comments display is really something. Anyway, I deal with enough racist b.s. in my real life. So good luck trolling. (Next time you might want to hide it a bit

I really hope you are a troll and not some wanna be woke white hipster. but you are probably both. I did not say it was the same as the person shooting the gun. I said it was the same as calling the cops on the person jogging which results in the gun being shot. If you can’t examine the ways in which casual racism

The fact that ultimately Soul Cycle only took a small hit after the Trump fundraiser is likely proof that, if it can withstand the months of not being open, laying off employees will not be its end. I went prior to the Trump fundraiser revelation and I thought the style of class motivated me (I love dancing and music)

I am just going to assume you aren’t Black and didn’t read Rachel’s response. But as a Black person, I find the way in which you can causally excuse racism really sad. Whenever I hear a white person use the word in any context, I find it troubling and a sign of someone who probably thinks it is okay to call the cops

For feminism to work reproductive choice has to go both ways. Women need to be able to not have children when they should not or do not want to and they need to be able to have children when they want to. Losing either the choice not to have or to have children would be bad for women. We would be living in a much

Sorry for the snark your comment received. The comments to these articles completely lack empathy and they make me so sad. Just change the reproductive choice being made and the procedure being done and this could be a Fox News comment sections. The kind of righteous absolutism is crazy.