I mean she’s not to blame, but collectively, people with this kind of privilege are somewhat responsible.
I mean she’s not to blame, but collectively, people with this kind of privilege are somewhat responsible.
Debra was canvassing for HRC in Pennsylvania before the election.
Let’s just stop with this far-left nonsense that Hillary Clinton was the “lesser of two evils.” She was the most qualified candidate ever to run for Presidency on a very progressive platform. She was also the only candidate willing to defend the rights of women, refugees & immigrants, Muslims and Mexicans and paid a…
I don’t think Debra is really blaming Susan Sarandon for Trump being elected. I think she is criticizing her for stoking the flames of the ideological purists who were unbending. IIRC, Susan didn’t even “endorse” Jill Stein in the traditional sense. Most of the endorsement talked about how much she hated Hillary.…
Yeah! Do it! After all, if they build the pipeline, it will bring the revolution immediately. Things will really explode!
Selena is the one who looked “sad” here. That just made her seem like she’s still carrying a torch for Biebs: “keep your relationship stuff for only the two of you!” Lol, sorry girl. It’s tough seeing new relationship pics, I know, but there’s nothing you can do about it. And the fans shat on you too A LOT so you’re…
I am FIRMLY Team Bieber on this one.
It makes sense in other contexts, as it’s basically a wiretapping law related to surveillance of telephone communications.
Yeah but honestly why didn’t she just admit she leaked it? That would have gone sooooo much better for her! Everyone would have been so respectful and understanding and would have in no way increased the amount of death threats and victim blaming they subject her to. Plus people would all start believing her and stop…
This is why two-party consent is garbage. “Sorry honey, you should have asked permission from the guy who’s denied all allegations of abuse before filming him being abusive.”
I don’t care where the video was leaked from, I’m just glad people can see how he really is. I wish I’d had the foresight to do this. When leaving an abuser, they continue to abuse by smearing your character as much as possible, and most of us only have our word, or if we’re lucky, one or two people who the abuser…
When your immediate take on a situation is “she’s a liar; she leaked the tape” and not “holy shit he’s a violent drunken asshole,” that’s what I mean by giving him a pass.
That video is frightening. I don’t care what claims of “editing” someone might make. It might be a 80 second clip but it’s enough on its own without further context. The way she’s filming and how she's talking screams of someone in an abusive relationship who knows she's going to need proof. Yet people will still…
Edited or not, which it doesn’t really look like, that video shows him being aggressive for no reason, all while saying “Nothing’s wrong” everytime she asked him what’s up.
Well, but honestly, so what?
For releasing of filming for court, etc., it depends on where she taped it.
Yeah, all this silliness has really endeared me to Katy Perry. And to quote Kara Brown: “Of the two women, Rihanna only had time for one of them, and that says a lot.”
Ryder is almost certainly not trying to make her point into a backdoor compliment about being adorably skinny.
Yes. Except I don’t think she said anything about being attractive. For some reason society views petit women as, by default, more fragile. Hence mental fragility might not be far behind. I have experienced this stigma myself. It’s worse as I age. People snark at my physique and tell me that my bones are going to turn…