Do the Brits make a habit out of removing words?
Do the Brits make a habit out of removing words?
Man there are some dumb fucks on this site lately.
I know. How hard is it to just do a Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V on a press release and resist the urge to change it?
Never heard of that one before.
“In future [sic], customers will be able to visit the Technical Center’s Commissioning Suite by invitation...”
Maybe you didn’t understand the bit I highlighted in bold about the road being sufficiently clear ahead.
Bullshit. BMW was 100% at fault.
Yeah that was my first thought. What kind of ghetto-ass place do you live where you need to strap a GoPro to your head?
“Oh fudge”
Straight up fucking douche nozzle manoeuvre - overtaking up a hill into oncoming traffic.
Defeating ECU encryption is exempt from section 1201 of the DMCA, as afar as I remember. Ironically, the VW scandal helped get the exemption over the line. I still wouldn’t go putting the result on pastebin though.
Why did no automakers call bullshit on VW?
Don’t waste your time arguing with him dude. I doubt he’s ever passed a driving test
Bit of a difference between making a turn into oncoming traffic on a busy city street and doing the same thing on a highway, where traffic is moving at 60-70mph
Umm, you don’t cross a highway into the path of oncoming traffic unless you’re a psychopath or you’ve got a death wish.
What law school did you attend?
Shut the fuck up, you shit-for-brains.
Ok, we’ll restrict ourselves here to the economists Gove was referring to as experts. Gove, by the way, has a BA in English and is definitely not qualified to make authoritative statements on what economists are (or are not) capable of.