
The old "cold cut bitch slap".

So, can I come to your workplace and punch you in the mouth?

I don't recall reading that he had been drunk at the time but if you have evidence of that the press would be interested...

Oh I get it, you see Clarkson as a father figure and you must stand up for his honor

This is a Michael Ballaban wet dream. He's gonna reach his monthly quota of clicks by midnight...

Why? He did nothing wrong.

I'd say "Punch in the mouth" would be the technical term...

The cops failed to do anything about alleged child molesters employed by the BBC for years, so I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for them to act on their own initiative in this case.

He's probably waiting to see how big a settlement check Clarkson offers before he decides to report the assault and battery to the cops...

Fuck him

It's a happy day for the Kazakhs!

It's a 2-lane road. You can see the cat's eyes (and what's left of the white line) down the middle.

...including one truly scary right-side pass you can see around the 1:03 mark in the video. Yeesh.

These things are a mockery of the DS name.

Maybe that's because criminal law isn't the only type of law Supreme Court Justices deal with?

You'd be surprised. Justice Scalia was late for a hearing a few weeks ago - apparently he was held up in traffic.

I hate to guess how many second hand Land Rovers and Minis coming in from the UK are stolen (and in need of a VIN swap).

Even being a recovering Land Rover fetishist I completely do not understand the hate being poured on DHS over this one. The trucks are illegal. Good luck changing the law without a billion dollar an hour lobbyist on your side.

Take off the BMW badge and the kidney grille, and it could be a Kia. Nobody wants that...