Nah, it couldn't have been Ken Block. The driver didn't roll the car on its roof at the first possible opportunity.
Nah, it couldn't have been Ken Block. The driver didn't roll the car on its roof at the first possible opportunity.
Matra bombed because the Avantime didn't meet sales expectations.
Do international cars not come with titles from the country where they were last registered?
You would need to be insane to spend anything like $10k on that POS.
What the fuck was #14 doing?
Ah, the days before cars were built with crumple zones.
If we're considering all kinds of homemade ramps, why not go with a teeter ramp?
More toll roads, a tax based on fuel usage, or a tax based on emissions.
What is known about the Hannibal Protocol, also known as the Hannibal Directive, is simple enough. While the actual wording of it is still secret, the gist is clear – when a soldier is in the process of being abducted by enemy forces, do anything possible to prevent that soldier's capture.
I know it's Texas and all, but what exactly is this plumber going to sue for?
God, you're stupid. Are you 12 years old? Do us all a favor and shut the fuck up.
I like the way it sets off the car alarm while doing a fly-by in the third video
Airbags, a lower emission engine, and a rust-free frame on a newer Mini? Dangerous. Must destroy.
What's the attraction here?
FWIW - Allowing Iran to expand its influence will yield no good things - IIRC, they were one of the destabilizing forces that actively worked against American and Western efforts to build and sustain Iraqi democracy during Op. Iraqi Freedom
Park like an asshat, get treated like an asshat.
Probably related...
My advice to you? Get some professional help.