Ford, ugh. And to think I slag off VW and Audi owners for following the herd.
Ford, ugh. And to think I slag off VW and Audi owners for following the herd.
Pretty cool, dunno if they're $36k worth of cool though...
I prefer the General Lee school bus...
Ha ha ha. What a moron. How old are you, 8?
Remember these were cool for five minutes back when The Fast And The Furious was first released?
Sephia is apparently an acronym, so I'd guess you can pronounce it whatever way you like.
I remember these from when I was a kid.
That was the good side. This is the other side:
Ha ha. I can't remember the name of the test, but it was the one where they were trying to release natural gas pockets. The explosion worked as planned but the gas could never be used as it was too radioactive... Brilliant scientific minds at work, huh?
Nuclear weapons - the most insane thing we've ever created. It's a subject I'm fascinated by.
"Hurr hurr. Wonder why all those stupid cage drivers are going so slow?"
The locals have to park their cars underground so the feral scousers don't do this:
Yeah whatever
Insert "fail shipment" joke here
So it's pretty much a facelift of the Bowler EXR S?
IIRC it was filmed by, or using schoolkids, so I'd take the Michael Bay stuff with a grain of salt...
Coming from someone w/o kids, I can't disagree with your message here but at the end of your day, your loved ones aren't coming back
Although even Land Rover drivers can overestimate their abilities sometimes
Mr. Land Rover is not impressed by a dentist driving his Range Rover through 6 inches of water...