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    We are a destroyed people.

    I don’t want to live in a world with a black Santa.

    Too... ‘too chicken shit, to appear’

    It would be responsible to report him.

    But... why?


    Yeah. That’s what he said.

    Yeah they just ‘stumbled’ upon him. A decade deep.

    Smells Trump-y.

    You can just watch the news or tv to see that racism is the one true defining aspect of American culture. It’s the backbone and we are who the nazis got their blueprint from.


    Like we need to ‘remember’ evil people in order to not be evil?

    Yes. Yesss

    Different from who?

    Laughed out loud!

    I’ll see your sexual assault and raise you a racism sir.

    Oh my gahh. Your comparing a rape victim to hitler now?

    All the stars

    I rarely say this but.. oh my gah!!!

    I’m.... I’m going to be in the greys for a long time, aren’t I?