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    ‘Here’s how much larger small cars have become over 20 years’

    Oh boy. We’re taking Nancy ‘we’re going to impeach Bush’ Pelosi all serious-like now?

    Well I never really bought all this Trump vs the CIA bullshit but hey the facts don’t lie.

    No stars? Not even one?

    I’m going to be ‘in the grey’ for a long long time. Aren’t I?

    A sack of ass hats?

    Hear hear

    Well, yeah... isn’t that the case in the u s of A in general?

    Wish I could trade my gti for one.

    This happened to me. Twice. I’m a male.

    I love it how the ‘hope’ stories start flowing , just in time to ease the trauma of having another ‘Leader’ placed over us against our will, to continue acting against our best interests.

    But then , it’s highly unlikely I’d be able to contain myself in the face of such obvious levels of batshit crazy person...

    I found him a bit stepin fetchit-y... I don’t think there was a need to oversell the whole reaction thing, or does he always bug his eyes out like he’s living in a 1930's film...?

    Are the deplorables dems or repubs?

    I swear to god, that entire newscast read like bad, BAD acting.

    I’m going to vote trump just to speed things up a nudge.

    You’re killin me with the meatball sub man,

    Ugh. Damn.

    Wow. So they couldn’t have just put water in the fake kidney and pretended it was urine?

    Did anyone have the fortitude to actually read this entire article!?