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    Yes. Passing someone on the road in a manner that doesn’t endanger them in any way, because you can, makes one an asshole.

    Oh. So bikes shouldn’t be on the road at all?

    No!!! I’m right and you’re wrong!

    Wow. You guys really have skin in this game.

    Violence does have a place in our world. Why can we not realize that?

    I love Ann coulter. Because it is so obvious she is a paid troll. This is onion headline material folks.

    Trump and Christie I’m afraid , are outliers. I don’t think we need to lump them in with ‘men’ as a group anymore. Their behaviour and statements exclude them from any form of ‘group identity’ as far as I’m concerned and the body shaming and dick jokes can’t be taken off the table.

    Yeah, it’s annoying, insulting, and juvenile when guys do that. Sadly, embarrassingly, this didn’t become apparent to me until I saw the disdain and hurt on a friend’s face when I did just this, imitated a female voice in a derogatory manner. Fuck. I can’t believe I’m ‘that guy’

    I know right? I can not believe that people like this still exist. The frightening part is that they circulate among us and act ‘normal’ but feel completely ok threatening women, minorities, gays, and anyone who disagrees with their views.

    I just do not understand the appeal of Trevor Noah.

    Demonizing negroes and streamlining policies to destroy them is rude.

    Wow. Is that what you read from that? I have much to learn.

    Because you know, she’s a woman and that’s obviously why she’s being attacked. Just like Obama because black and stuff. Stop asking reasonable questions. This is a corner of the Internet that you’re not allowed to have a contrary opinion in.

    So now we get shamed for not loving Hillary?

    Because Hillary is not a white supremacist racist scum at all.

    And let’s not forget the holy grail: AIDS in the chicken McNuggets.

    So true. We’re not supposed to mention any of the elephants in the room.... Cos then we’d be ‘kooks’ or worse yet, ‘conspiracy theorists’

    Yes. Because referencing Nazis totally destroys all legitimacy and makes you appear crazy.

    Ok. I won’t take your word for it.