

I actually generally enjoy them. I just find it kind of unsettling, but also now that I think about it the whole jazz connection to the show was lost long ago. That was a neat element of the show that I miss, but I guess, really, season 1 and 2 were effectively different shows from what we have now.

And just for

Hahahaha. For some reason I watch the credits all the way through each time, and I think it’s because hearing ‘shivvvelll woooooooorrrrrrr’ cut in there is oddly unsettling.

Would’ve been helpful if she mentioned it a few more times. I really want that to be beaten into my subconscious so that regardless of the circumstances I will always remember her position and how long she played. I’m worried in a few years I’ll be thinking ‘left field for 17 years...No! No! right field for 20 years.

I’ve heard people make the hockey goaltender argument and I don’t disagree. I didn’t play hockey but I know a fair amount about the game and I always feel like goalie would be incredibly difficult. The combo of skating skills, reflex, coordination, pressure, not to mention just seeing the god-damned puck.

I think QB,

That would do it

When did you all start doing news coverage? Focus on tv/music/film/games more please. It’s the AV Club’s bread and butter.