He didn’t actually say anything offensive. Even though he said that he’s “team TERF”, he acknowledged the fact that the transgender community is having a human experience (people will also notice the tattoo on his hand that says human). Another point he made is that these so-called movements have a tendency to do harm…
I see nothing wrong with the email or the special. by nature you aren’t meant to take stand ups literally. I hate when they pull a comics clips completely devoid context and turn them into their stance on something. Removing any tone they have been going for, rather or not they where exagerating for effect, being…
Cry me a river. All you bleeding hearts over edgy comedy need to just... go away.
I think the other factor is just how many of these games there are. Most normal people only play 1 or 2 series or games. If you’re a critic, you’re expected to keep up with all of them, which makes it all the more evident where content is just being copied and pasted.
I do wonder if Far Cry games, and the Ubisoft formula at large, is just not good for critics. I played AC: Valhalla over many weeks. Took some breaks here and there, and just gradually made my way through it. And I enjoyed it!
However, I can’t imagine playing it under a time crunch, and if I had, I would have given it…
“’Far Cry 6' is creatively and morally bankrupt...”
Let’s be honest with ourselves here, can we?
Also, Mario and Luigi are from Brooklyn according to the original canon. They should just have Brooklyn accents, not Italian.
As a lifelong Democrat can I just say that the liberal bias in media has grown beyond tiresome. Roughly 50% of the US population is conservative. Conservatism includes a large swath of beliefs and opinions and yet anyone who so much as questions the most progressive views is instantly labeled a MAGA Nazi. Whatever…
Super Mario Bros wasn’t an arcade game.
Given the other casting choices, I’m guessing this movie is being written in such a manner that leans into the absurdity and surrealism of the Mario games. So I get it in a way. He’s done that already in The Lego Movie, and he’s become a household name through his various roles in TV and movies.
Aside from the political angle of Chris Pratt, and people disliking him for that. Why are we pretending like Mario’s in game voice isn’t already a ridiculous, exaggerated cartoonish Italian accent? Suddenly we feel the voice actor for the game is trained in accents and was needed to bring that Italian authenticity to…
Harassing him over who you think he voted for and for the Church he goes to is psychotic. I was raised Hasidic Jew and my wife a Columbian Catholic family both of us experienced homophobia just us much from none religious people as religious. The fact that we keep vilifying select people for their religious beliefs…
So...Ghouls ‘n ghosts?
There’s actually two catches, one being that this game isn’t $30.
I don’t see who this is aimed at. All the new features of this version only benefit the portable of the console. Which in this case, I think the Lite is the better with the lower cost. And if you play only docked mode, well there’s nothing for you, especially since you can already buy a lan port dongle for like $5.
The problem with that narrative is that, its just that. And even by his own admission that his reasoning is less bounded by fact and more because it’s the only thing that he could think of as the reasoning.
It’s slightly different in this case, as the three woman who made the allegations were all close friends and two of them had nasty break-ups with Avellone years before the allegations were made.