If he can do that at Stoke on a Tuesday night, it sounds like he’s ready for the big time.
I’ll give you some credit for that pun, but only in about fifty years.
That is, quite Franklin, a terrible joke.
All fields of work are intensely patriatchal, even if only women work in them.
In his book Every Love Story Is a Ghost Story: A Life of David Foster Wallace, D. T. Max mentioned in passing that Wallace “threw a coffee table” and “tried to push Karr from a moving car,” which Karr said is “about 2% of what happened.”
A hivemind, if you will.
It’s not harmless, it’s misogynist, bullying bullshit. Parents don’t own their kids and fathers don’t get to control their daughters’ sex lives with violence.
Nothing like getting served, pestered by Sherrifs & taken to court over a Will that myself and my sisters are not only 100% excluded from but do not even have any interest in contesting in the first place.
The revelation that Gabby was abused completely recontextualizes her comments from Friday.
Frantz, a sophomore for the Wildcats, joined Arizona freshman My-King Johnson as just second active player, and third overall (Michael Sam)
I wouldn’t personally go to see this because I am very well aware of my tolerance levels for physical violence, but I honestly think that if you aren’t deeply and viscerally disturbed by an onstage production of 1984, they probably aren’t doing it right.
Luckily for the USMNT, in Russia, legs go through ball.
You’re not expected to watch where the ball goes. You’re expected to wait until the pitcher takes the rubber.
I think where white people get mixed up is what they’re supposed to FEEL about their privilege. They (we) too often assume it’s guilt or remorse that’s required. When, in reality, it’s kindness and civility and fairness. And most importantly sometimes, it requires outrage for a plight that’s not your own.
I suggest letting the wookie get all the stars
-Emu Gossage
Thinking that Hillary Clinton flies around the world in an invisible jet murdering people kind of makes me want to vote for her even more than I already do.
In unrelated news, Matt Haberdasher will consider wearing protective footwear.
6th+3 days of injury time