
@AmphetamineCrown: I'm wondering what you read. You'll notice I never said that bandwidth caps are a matter of net neutrality- merely that they were an obvious example of cable companies testing the boundaries of their legal rights in the interest of prolonging cable adoption.

@AmphetamineCrown: The power of the net has thus far been protected by the market because up until about a year or two ago, the internet never threatened cable. Netflix wasn't a big deal a)because it mainly dealt in DVD mailings and b)streaming content to a TV was mainly for the more tech savvy individuals.

@justinpe: They still aren't quite getting it...

I'm interested in how this will change the activation numbers for Apple and Android... As much as I love Android, I know that many people with Droids would have jumped on the iPhone if it were available. I suppose we'll find out!

@Criosphynx: The framing of the question is a bit off, and I think your distinction here is spot on. A federal ID system could be very useful. Whether or not it ends up being, however...

@Flail: Ugh, when I was home for Christmas, that's all I heard when my family talked about net neutrality: "What will the FCC try to take over next?!?!"

@cha0tic: This is an important point- I wouldn't be opposed to a federal online ID, but its contents MUST be protected by the necessity of a warrant.

Having a single unified login isn't my favorite idea, but I do believe that there's a pressing need for some US Government online presence, for some very pragmatic reasons:

@ManchuCandidate: The creaky rocking chair and shotgun industries will skyrocket.

@FixXxer0720: And when, exactly, have your AV cables ever corroded? Do you like playing games on the beach?

@RealmRPGer: Your roomie was full of crap dude. The cable itself is just a conduit from the port to the receiver, and actual frequency is determined by the source.

I'm a bit weird like this, but I go with 3 drives:

@A7: Aw, you mean it's not in 3D?

@bigcamcrsx: The search button on Android for me serves one incredibly important purpose: Voice Search.

@Webran61: It's almost like it's a computer or something!

@xaronax: Yeah, Googe sounds kinda dirty.