
@minimaltek: At the very least they should have numerous options as to how scrolling takes place. Despite all the whining about locations in the Kindle, it's a strong design decision in the context of being able to dynamically change the way you read.

Ahh, gotta love the Big Pharma gambit in this case. It doesn't even make sense! Sure, pharmaceutical companies want to sell us things we may or may not need in perpetuity. That's precisely why they WOULDN'T want to sell us vaccines, which you generally only take once, or once a year for each new strain of the flu. It

Mmmmm.... Looks like the tablet market's gonna start shaking.

I could see a market for a beefier tablet with more creation capability, but I think it'll be running Honeycomb, honestly.

@Hatebunny: Fair enough. I was more making fun of literati who don't want to be embarrassed that they like Thomas Pynchon or Cormac McCarthy.

No no no. I would NEVER read "Science Fiction." This is "Speculative Fiction."

@symbology: Or how to pitch the one ring back to whence it was forged.

Thanks, Mickey!

@glitch44: On a related note, support your local 826 branch everybody!

@Vexorg: It's a McSweeney's essay.

I seem to be having difficulties on a Cyanogen'd EVO. When I login to the installer, it says that Swype for EVO is available in the OTA update and the installer quits. Just FYI.

@Jackstick: Monopolies (or functional regional monopolies) are not healthy business environments. Even so, that's not what this regulation is about AT ALL. All current company layouts will remain exactly the same. What the FCC was promising to do was ensure that companies maintain certain standards of openness, that

@Brian Crecente: Fair enough- I admit that I'll play it when I get around to it (liking shooters as much as the next guy), but that only goes to show what kind of value I place on it.

@DingoJunior: Hmm... I could be mistaken, but I remember something of the sort being used in the Imperial Age to justify the superiority of Westerners. Could have been a different island. I guess I should have looked for that example before opening my mouth :(

Giving a nomination to Black Ops is like Avatar being up for Best Picture. Lots of people like it, sure, but...

@GamerKT: I think you made him cry.