
@TXTMAN: Minecraft hasn't been released yet. Still in Alpha, I think... Maybe next year though.

@RaindropBebop: No. Well, not for a long time. Basically the longer that a given product is on the market, the more profit makes it to the manufacturer as costs are recouped.

@Settings: That's like the argument that people made about Aboriginal Australians being stupid for not having language until the British showed up, then learning English. It's not the British were smarter, they just had a pre-built language to use.

@W10002: His comments are overly drastic, but it is true that the daring, interesting Square of the late PS1 days is seemingly gone. Occasionally interesting* games will sneak out (FFXII, Nier, Crystal Chronicles), but by and large all we get nowadays is the same homogenized Nomura bullshit.

Jet Set, Jet Set. A thousand times Jet Set!

I understand why most of these are like this- my account, for one, is strictly for the purposes of commenting, and has no real reference to any of my other accounts. It doesn't contain credit card info, any useful personal details, or allow a nefarious hacker to damage me in any real way.

@darkboy1200: I think it's a fine game. Still a PC elitist though.

@zenneth: Kid Rock is a classy fellow who produces tasteful, thought-provoking music. Wait, who are we talking about?

@TheCrudMan: Yeah- unless you drive "reasonably," which I know I can't. Gen2, please!

This was the year for reductionist RPGs, what with Mass Effect 2, Final Fantasy XIII both coming out. Where FFXIII chose to pair more conventional menu-based combat and dungeon-crawling with a typical anime story and a quick pace, I was intrigued. It's a shame that ME2 decided to incorporate the essence of the RPG,

@hatesninjas: Gawker cookie supplies are at historic lows.

RIM needs to shake the sense that only parents use Blackberries.

@ericesque: The chart pretty clearly shows a huge spike in Motorola when the Droid came out, and a concurrent drop in BB sales. Motorola hasn't gone down since, and BB hasn't made it back up. That suggests something more than just BOGOs.

@Ben R: What I wanna know is who the assholes are who figure they should switch it up. Even among devices from the same company the layouts can be inconsistent.

@ShieldAnvil: Clowns... Why'd it have to be clowns?

My dad was the resident geek (our golden lab was named Arakis), and he made us watch all sorts of stuff. Star Wars was my first of the two biggies, and attempts to get me into Star Trek fizzled for the most part (even in a theater, Undiscovered Country isn't really a movie for 9 year olds). Still, his efforts to get

@wygit: I just meant I put some pdfs on my Kindle.

@Michael Dukakis: I'm hoping they get back on track after On Tour and Blur's frigid reception.