
I think the comment was just a joke. Yes the caps lock key is gone, and this was a cute quip to highlight that.

@brandon004: A fair point, but I like to vote with my wallet.

@zegota: I hear ya- Did you know Harry Potter is out for Kindles now? Haha, yeah, kinda. Already bought the damn things twice over, and likely will again for a good e-version.

I've been moving a lot lately, and every time I have to haul my huge collection of books up another flight of stairs I like my Kindle more and more.

Tangential, but the hard-right in Japan is fucking crazy. Black vans and super-xenophobic ideals.

@ddhboy: Yeah Julian, I think it's great what you're trying to do here. I really think increased transpa- what are you doing? No! Bad Julian! We go potty in the bathroom!

Ugh. I just spent the whole video in anguish as he skipped over the Playstation App.

I think this weird over-imposition of "privacy" will die out before too long. Honestly, who gives two shits about your hole of a house, other than people who are trying to get there for a party? Living in the sticks to avoid human interaction except when going into town, going online, or making calls? Idiots.

@Wannabeer: Exactly! Why are they suing Google? A group of idiot teenagers is gonna wheel through there and get picked off one by one.

When I heard that Nathan Fillion wanted the role of Drake, I was overjoyed... Now I'm kinda glad he didn't get it. You're a marked man, Wahlberg!

I use Firefox as my heavy lifting browser, but for "I want to check a site real quick" I use Chrome. Unburdened by all my extensions and saved tabs, it's a nice, quick program.

@funkonaut: What makes this country great is the ability of people to innovate unhindered.

@AcidFaux: Tofu is more of a flavor sponge. Put it with tasty things (like in soup, or stir fry) and it absorbs the goodness.

@xaronax: Agreed. Any of the current 1Gz flock with Cyanogen is awesome.

@madisomi?: Evo is also good, though my main beef with the 4.3 screens (despite their immense beauty) is pixel density. After staring at a Droid 1 for so long, I really wish the bigger phones had analogous pixel density.

@pmbaustin: Nice thing about Samsung's current flock is that they pushed out one phone for each carrier, and all are pretty good.

You say tightly in the article like it's a good thing. Just so happens that's why I'm concerned about the AirPlay love in.

@jackburnt: 6.1RC2 just came out, but I haven't been able to install it yet. Just as well- RC1 is fairly solid as it is.

@Les Mikesell: Oh Ahmedinajesomething. I bet he's a 9/11 truther too. "Steel Losing Structural Integrity When Heated U.S. Plot"