
Surprise! The internet exists now! Diplomats, remember to untag yourself from illicit pictures before important meetings, set your profile to private, and don't friend ambassadors you don't know!

@Go Vols!: I don't know if destabilizing is the right word.

@FriedPeeps: Peeps, think of it this way: When 9/11 happened, I remember being awestruck that anyone would hate us as much as was apparent that day and thereafter. What I didn't know is that our government has fucked it's way around the globe a couple times. Engineered coups for resources, outing powers that don't

@XorBomber: In elementary school I think I remember hearing a story about Abe borrowing a book and messing it up, but returning it to the owner and reimbursing him... Something.

@FriedPeeps: I can't believe so many of you are defending Gizmodo.

@Gigglebox: Treason? I've heard the word tossed around a bit lately (notably care of one Ms. Palin), but frankly it sounds laughable in the modern context. To me it conjures guillotines or four horses facing the cardinal directions.

@Batmanuel: I think that was part of the point- the whole setup was like something you would dream about, or at least the type of dream that Hollywood tries to sell you.

@The5thElephant: Sorry, but what are the purported advantages over DLNA? From what I've heard, it will be like DLNA but the same...

@Robert Anhalt: It's certainly not true- I was checking since I have to go to the airport on Wednesday, and was wondering how screwed I was.

Linux, all it's wonderful repos (across tons of distros) and everything GPL or Apache licensed.

All these incommensurately positive articles about Airplay lately... looks like somebody's gunning to get let back in to Apple events.

If only other tech companies had half the marketing chops Apple does, we'd be living in the future.

@A Ferret: Pretty sure this is just Google using publicly available APIs. Given this, we'll likely see the equivalent very soon...

Problem with B&W is visibility. All of the environments need to be carefully crafted to allow for the lack of color as otherwise important details can get lost in the background more easily without color. I seem to remember a Madworld interview saying as much...

@Lex Luthor II: There are wizards in other countries, but they aren't referenced much. The biggest mentions are in international competitions and foreign exchange students, and some characters in book 7.

@Lex Luthor II: No, he is heroic and talented, but not as much so as he's fabled to be. He makes mistakes, he is sometimes outmatched; this makes him more relatable than he would be if he was perfect (or even just a paragon).

@Souffrir: It's simple! You wouldn't understand precisely because you CAN play an instrument. These games give people the faculties to not just feel the music but interact with it. Many people can't (or simply won't) invest the time needed to learn an instrument, so this is the only way they can feel that.

Shame- Rock Band 3 is the best thing since Beatles Rock Band.

@KillMurderSuicide: Depends. If what you want is in Netflix Instant, streaming it is probably the most convenient.