
@Deto: Phew ;)

@Phaz: Long answer: What's GFWL? Is that an STD?

@Killer Toilet: This feels similar to the retailers and their trouble with Steam- Microsoft hasn't really been active in pushing PC gaming, and their efforts lately have been lackluster, to say the least. They had complete dominance and coming into Vista they had the potential to unify and own it, but instead let it

@mrpibb79: I think with the App store there's a different paradigm at play- they're not "programs" as such- they're apps; distractions.

@AznMetalHead: I hear ya. Any games I install outside of Steam I still run from it so I can use the chat and all that.

@Faux Bravo: Yeah, I'm curious too- it's cheap, well-designed, has steamcloud (which no one else comes close to doing), steamworks, unlimited re-downloads, offline modes, tons of games...

Is it just me, or is this a faux-Steam look?

@leGodt: Yeah. For me it's just an annoyance, but it causes my parents tons of grief. Which sucks, because the iPhone and iPod are unquestionably the best products for them.

@leGodt: Big. Bloated. Crashes if you breath on it. These are not three products. I give you: iTunes.

@gocatgo: "That you'll never forget." is a sentence fragment.

@Greg Lloyd: I think it works. To make me remember it.

How about a Windows version that isn't a huge pile of shit?

So long as you can take it off...

@Homer Berkowitz: Yeah, but with the added irony that anyone buying a motherboard probably knows what the hell they're doing with it.

@ericesque: It's like it's wearing nothing at all!

@The Lab: I feel like Demon Days addressed a lot of problems with the modern world but seemed to relish in it. Plastic Beach touches on some similar issues but comes away with a much more hopeful feel, despite otherwise being a much lower energy album.

@EnigmaNemesis: Hopefully without the orange juice shaking simulator.

Engineer salaries aren't cheap.

@slotter: Star Wars too is fairly derivative in it's arc. I actually prefer Harry Potter... please don't murder me?