
@Nick Hall: I love both, and while the similarities are sometimes striking (enough so that I'm surprised at its omission above), they are very different stories.

To the haters, I'd say read the series twice. It's pretty meticulously planned, and fairly complicated (in a good way). I always appreciate reading the first book and catching references to things that seem like throw-away information, but come back for the finale.

@KernelM: I try not to let it bug me, as I adore the Ender's Game series, but he's against gay rights. Knowing that prevents me from really getting into his work anymore.

@jackdavinci: I wonder how he'd feel about an Ender's Game Lexicon.

@r3ppr490n: A fair point, but at least 2/3rds of the sales of XIV came from markets that do. XI lost a lot of subscribers to WoW, and let's face it, WoW is the undisputed king of fantast MMORPGs.

@Linkitch: Basically the rest system in XIV deprives players of xp after a certain amount has been gained, and resets after a day or so. Players were pissed about it.

@kneegrow: Everyone's a capitalist until they get their teeth kicked in by the winner.

Honestly, what pisses me off the most is their hubris. This game was designed as though none of the staff even so much as glanced at WoW.

@Bricked: I think the problem is that they aren't getting any better- the game design lags behind most of modern gaming, and the stories are typically the same old anime bullshit I got sick of in college. Exceptions exist, of course (the story in XII was pretty good, for example), but by and large they keep pushing

EA... please oh please oh please.

@goku01899: Y'know, Rock Band 3 is basically an RPG already, with fans as XP... This could work, in a Gitaroo Man kind of way!

@pagan_god: Google still lets you take a CSV of all your data, which is firmly pro-consumer. In this, I think your reasoning as to Google choosing who you can share your data with is misguided. If you have a CSV, you can share it with whomever you damn well please.

I can see where he's coming from, but it's likely that they use this week because it's close to Christmas and (more importantly) Black Friday.

One time a UPS driver nailed our fence. We saw him coming that time.

@datafox: I'm tempted to make a BeckBot.

@Jacque Claude: These comments aren't possibly going to change your mind. That's fine! In fact, I hope you're right, and that all of this talk of climate change is (if you'll excuse the expression) hot air.

@ament001: But someone HAS to stand up to all these experts!