
@ttk2: Exactly. Apple can't possibly check the source of every app that comes through, so what you're getting is a gated community. It looks safer, but that's about it.

@kaffeen: The "Playing God" gambit is pretty tired, dude. This could lead to a better understanding of how other animals (including ourselves) develop, the effects of atmosphere on fauna, and many more topics. Get past your ick factor, and there's plenty of interesting things that could come of this.

@MasterYong: Deaths of thousands? I thought her worst gaffe was insisting on not being called ma'am.

@HappyGamer: Consoles are now basically user-friendly PCs.

@drummrx: And you only have -30 days to cancel.

Wait, is that still a stereotype? What year is this again?

@Mickets: That's fair, I guess. The way I see it, the more data coursing through any of these places, the less likely anything of consequence will be seen by anyone of consequence.

@jayntampa: I think the problem is that it's downloadable- users expect race-to-the-bottom pricing like on the App Store.

@suppaman: It was fun, and I would say worth my $15. YMMV.

@Shinta: It's basically Mario RPG, if that helps.

@Mickets: I don't understand the mistrust of Google- you can circumvent the big G, but your ISP knows every single thing you do, name and address attached.

People keep saying it's gonna die, but I just don't see it, especially since consoles of this generation are basically home theater PCs.

I like that different orientations are a bullet point. I just imagine the rep saying "Available in portrait," gesturing at the device, "and landscape," turning it on it's side.

I skipped the other Halo books- I remember picking one up and reading something like, "The rocket whooshed past his head," and decided I'd be better off without.

@Mikatro: XII seems to get bashed a lot for being different from most Final Fantasies. I loved the complex, non-melodramatic story, and the combat (despite sometimes being difficult) was a huge innovation, and fun to boot.

@Honchkrow: I wouldn't worry- it'll be called some other bullshit name.

@genesic: Oh man, Tactics. I have like 3 copies of this game. XII was also awesome, if mainly for the Matsuno style. XIII made me cringe because the story went from XII's political intrigue mixed with mysticism (a hallmark of most of Matsuno's games) back to "anime bullshit" as I've come to call it.

@Kakarote26: That's only for keys and drums. For guitars, there's a specific guitar that's coming out that has contacts in the frets, which is necessary for providing a read-out on screen for where your fingers are, or something like that.