
As a kid I watched this show in German. I loved it. Shockingly, Hammer's gun has a name only in the German version - she's called Susi - while being a nameless inanimate object in the US version.

Hah, I didn't know that! I assume there are very few Ignatzes these days who would appreciate this nickname, though. "Drittes Reich" would have been much more historically accurate, indeed. That or "Deutsches Reich". Ultimately, it's no big deal, but the unnecessary sloppiness of the show's creators still bugs me,

Am I the only one who found it rather odd that the nazis in the series refer to themselves as "nazis" and call their empire the "nazi reich"?! I'm quite sure the original nazis didn't do that.

It would be almost funny how much the AV Club hates this slightly mindless but thoroughly enjoyable show - if it wasn't so petty.