For over a decade, a disease called colony collapse disorder has been destroying bee populations worldwide. Because…
For over a decade, a disease called colony collapse disorder has been destroying bee populations worldwide. Because…
Ruth of Pern.
One of the delights of watching Gravity is director Alfonso Cuorón's habit of shooting important scenes in one, long…
This morning we all delighted in the casting announcement for Star Wars VII. And then the reality set in: There is…
He's obviously not your real nephew
A family that pwns together stays together.
I've been gaming with my children since they were little. Sure it started with Disney's Magical Mirror on the Gamecube (my wife was impressed by my daughter's fascination with Kingdom Hearts and thought it would be a similar game), but we have always played together as a family. I bought them the Wii U Skylander's…
Ok, how the hell is she doing that? How is she seeing? Is that a mask? I don't see any seams. Very well done.
Quick, delete the article! Two people talked about a cool thing!
Batman has access to the most powerful weapon known to comicdom: Plot Armor.
Jesus, you really do love comparing apples to fucking snozzberries, don't you. Every time I see someone like you crying about your right to vape near children, the elderly, people eating etc, here's what I interpret it as:
Myka's cyst was benign all along.
Huh... That sucks about the trailers. I didn't even know this movie existed until I found it in the 99 cent DVD bin... I agree the movie in general is meh, and like I said, most of it feels like a standard issue paranoid thriller, slightly elevated by Moore's performance. But it was a fun "watching in bed at 2 AM"…
Now a Na'vi riding a leonopteryx, or a Na'vi riding a thanataur, that would be a different story.
One of the conceits of adventure games that made them so strong in the 90s was their flexibility. By focusing on…
Person of Interest. The Devil's Share.
The only thing we hear in the aftermath of Carter's death is Johnny Cash singing 'Hurt'
Tyr & Fenrir.
This book. Scared the bejeebus out of me like Stephen King never could.