Cirque du Soleil Moon Frye

Somehow, Florida being a vector for deadly-monkey-herpes just makes sense.

In Ohio we hate the term jagoff, because it sounds like something someone from Pittsburgh would say, like “y’inns”. Needless to say we only say jerkoff and anyone heard saying jagoff is immediately deemed an Appalachian hillbilly.

this is lazy, even for quavo. and don’t even get me started on nicki’s “verse”

I mean, you’re still gonna die. Happy Tuesday!

Because, like the show itself, it’s wildly bland and yet offensive in its portrayals.

I’m an outsider (Canadian) so I doubt my opinion counts, but dammit if the Obama’s weren’t the classiest couple that ever inhabited the White House.

Donald is holding Melania’s hand, whether she wants it held or not. Her hand makes almost a fist (and would be a full fist if she weren’t borrowing black panther’s claws for the Pearl Harbor visit). You can’t clasp hands with someone’s fist, so Donald has to make due with the ball of fingers.

You lost me at Chevy Chase.


I was waiting for the iO9 bash all day to rebut.....

I liked last night’s pilot episode. It felt like a fanfic mash-up of ST:TNG and ST:DS9. Even down to the score and sound effects. I didn’t realize how much I wanted something like that until last night.

...they can reach amazing heights of hate and assholery, considering themselves the absolute height of morality and with nary a guilt to be seen.

*receives pink slips*

That may be because it is REALLY UNPLEASANT AND HARD TO WATCH, although very well made. It’s just hard to say “oh, what’s on TV? Something gut-wrenching and depressing that makes me want to curl into a ball? Sounds fun!”


Pruitt’s comments may violate EPA “scientific integrity” policy which requires that the agency respects the consensus of the broader scientific community, rather than dismissing it.

the best part about the cleveland browns is we all eventually die