
I remember thinking this was the ugliest movie I’d ever seen, because everything was jaundice-ass yellow. (at the time, I’m not sure if “baleful sepia” would’ve been in my vocabulary.)

Counterpoint: Anime was a mistake. :P

The Wii U had a huge list of amazing games that didn’t sell because the console wasn’t selling very well. It makes sense for Nintendo to port over these titles. I ended up buying Bayonetta 2 twice (once on Wii U now on Switch), simply because I didn’t have time to play it at home, but loads of time on the go.

Taco - might I recommend a job with the White House? You have a valid point about the population split in the uk, but you completely lose the argument with a gratuitous insult... you want to be taken seriously (I assume you do) then add to the discussion, don’t bring it into the gutter.

Crying over inadequate representation of blacks in film is like crying over inadequate representation of whites in hip hop. Makes no sense at all. After all, the whites did invent the motion picture (and TV). Plus there are an estimated 12,000 ethnic groups in the world. It would be a daunting task to ensure adequate

Hmmh, those are three examples for about 400 years of european art history of which the oldest strongly suggest that the artist had no first hand knowledge of what black people actually look like. And this can not been put down on artistic incapability. You just have to look on how the rest of the statue is worked or

Sorry, are we talking about the guy who wrote Wakanda as having the cure for cancer but not giving it to anyone else, and this was supposed to be a good thing for them to do? The guy who put T’Challa and Storm together, two people who have barely interacted and with zero chemistry, and hammered a youthful romance into

Are you fucking kidding me with this bullshit? Hudson’s run was garbage.

Wakandans will turn a blind eye to the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and European colonialism of the rest of Africa.

Hudlin made a much greater mark on the character than anyone before him combined.

You lost me at “head cannon”, both figuratively and grammatically.

Also, Christopher Priest can actually write. His run is one of my favourite comic books of all time.

Yeah I’m not a fan of Huldin’s run mostly because he made it clear that Wakanda has a cure for Cancer but won’t share it with anybody else.

Here’s a radical idea: how about when people compete in a game, they act with dignity and treat each other with respect?

You should start a petition to force The A.V. Club to stop reporting on these petitions.

Thank you once again for blessing us with your wisdom, Captain Contrarian!

I think it’s possible to both enjoy fanfic and drop your jaw at just how awful some of it is. I know I manage it.

The pictures in that post are of medieval Bohemian paintings, but they are not of contemporary people in Bohemia, they are of Biblical figures in the Middle East and Africa. The Queen of Sheba died almost 2000 years before that was painted and never set foot in Bohemia. The mere fact that someone is presenting

MedievalPOC's argument is misleading though. It's dominated with images of the Queen of Sheba and St Maurice, and while those images were created in Bohemia, they clearly did not depict Bohemia or the time frame in question.