
Kudos on the perfect Cliff Claven impression.

Dr. Steve Brule electing to go back into his croma at the end of last season is probably a top 10 TV moment for me.

@disqus_qN5dqcxWFY:disqus I think Richard is wearing knee pads because Thomas Middleditch doesn't want to fuck up his knees.

Nah, there was Get Shorty in '95, and Jackie Brown just a few months before OOS.

Can't wait to attend a Paul Thomas Anderson retrospective in this universe. It's running from now until the end of time, though they couldn't get the rights to Hard Eight or The Master.

Colbert actually took a (slight publicized) paycut to do the CBS show.

You mean The O.C.?

I still think the show's nadir is Season 3, from somewhere in the middle of the Charlize arc until the penultimate episode.

Right. It's pretty well established that Michael loves being a martyr (up until he's actually needed, then he's resentful). The idea that George Michael being able an adult and able to function on his own (even to the point of them being able to date the same woman) throws his whole damn sense of self off balance.

Exactly. I mean, they clearly establish that Hurt is a History Professor. He's a demented guy with a reenactment fetish.

Freddy Rodriguez, not John Leguizamo.

And BoJack!

What the fuck kind of nightmare jobs have you had over the years?

He's some sort of insane Sean Parker/Mark Cuban hybrid, God help us all.

my book
by amy pascal
chapter 1
i got to hollywood.
chapter 2

You're a monster for making me Google this and breaking my heart when I realized it was a joke.

Yeah, that's by far the most bizarre thing about this whole affair.

So yes, this show was essentially a shot-for-shot of something we all love, but DAMN, I loved the new ending. Not necessarily the Tom aspect, but the idea Carver now knows SOMETHING is up, and what he'll do with that information. How could you possibly reopen a murder investigation with a confession? Would he even

And this is coming from a guy named Dickhead Killjoy!

That's nonsense. They broke into his house, and stole his possessions, and when he "fought back" (which is he well within his legal right to do) they threw him over the second floor staircase. He retaliated again and they bashed his head in.