
Man, this is one of Cross's Top 3 funniest line deliveries on this show.

Is Laugesen still a member of Parliament? I thought he resigned/left public office shortly after the scandal involving the receipts.

TWIST! The AvV Club was really the popular "AV Club" website all along!

I'm guessing that you're going off the published script, right? I know that that has something to the effect of "behind him, the top keeps spinning" which, sure, looks one way. But there are so many variables there — the two biggest being that who knows how the script was cleaned up as it transition from production to

Look, the key is not only that, as @avclub-d0cf409eb912cc0cc950b41b6d892d07:disqus points out, the top clearly begins to wobble as it cuts to black, but that the music cue at the end is clearly suggesting the thing tipping over.

Actually, in one of the Channel 101 "tutorials" where Harmon outlined the whole idea of the Story Circle, he wrote that structurally, instead of changing, the protagonist(s) realize that change can't happen, and it all reverts to step 1.

I know this basically got mixed word out of Sundance*, but all of Slattery's Mad Men episodes are superb, and this is a great trailer, so I'll definitely give a look when it comes out.

It is. I really love how they repurposed lines from the show and put them in a new context.

A+ comment here.

Evening, everybody!

Aren't they, though?

Actually, it's the only case I can think of where you have a through-film narrator who is never established as a part of the film's universe, even as a storyteller or author.

Nat "Yellow King" Cohle.

Not only is it a great way to tease a show that ended its last season with half of its character heading for the West Coast, but it also seems to continue an idea that started in the Season 6 premiere — the idea of travel, transforming you, making yourself new, etc. etc.

"Chasing It" is definitely one of the show's worst, but I disliked "Remember When" the one that preceded it, even more.

Yeah, in a show full of Fibi Water and Sprike, it was pretty jarring to see an actual product. Then again, but the prime placement in this and True Detective, maybe the Lone Star people are just marketing really aggressively these days.

Walk Hard did this, and it was glorious. Then again, everything about Walk Hard is glorious.

Ben, one of the Top Earning Champions this year, also opened the game with the $600 clue, most likely looking for the DDs. Nobody said anything about because unlike Arthur, he didn't make a big show over it. I like him, but he seems determined to create this weird ass Bad Boy of Trivia image for reasons that escape me.

Pizzolatto responded to a tweet this week about the female characters' lack of dimension. He cited the nature of the story and promised next year will be different. I'm willing to take him at his word (and read his novel which seems to have a female co-protagonist).
