
I actually would say Pac Rim is one of the more enjoyable ones. He really does put his heart and soul into everything he does and makes incredibly deeply-felt films. His sincerity is something a lot of his contemporaries are solely lacking. Unfortunately, for me, they just don't operate on my wavelength; they're

I just wish I liked Guillermo Del Toro Films as much as I like Guillermo Del Toro.

It would certainly fit in with Disney's policy on viral stuff. Remember the Reservoir Dogs dialogue dubbed over the restaurant stuff from Muppets Take Manhattan? That was Disney.

The big Eastbound profile in Vice, from right before Season 2 premiere talks about Best a bit. If you read between the lines, it's basically confirmed by the writer and McBride.

Man, that T-1000 run is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

Yeah, Jesse is the direct cause of everything that happened out in the desert. Regardless of how you feel about Jesse, that's the truth.

It would, comedically.

@avclub-808e22af6c33eea22608f30cef458844:disqus Yes please.

And of course, Married… With Children is Just The Seven Of Us compared to all the shit on that network now.

Look at the look on that actress's face. I'm sure it's ostensibly for the scene she's in, but I think there's more to it than that. She looks like she's trying to figure out, in painstaking detail, all the steps that got here to be on that set, at that moment in time, wearing that outfit, and how she can avoid putting

I finally read the Darabont script about six months ago. Couldn't believe how fucking great it was.

@avclub-1381551339ad8ecfb87a9719aa659716:disqus and @avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus I think you make some interesting points. It's easy to forget about the short time-frame this show's been on, but when you think about it, there's been so much that's happened in basically the last 18 Months of show

Oh really? Anything other than the Tom Snyder thing at the end (which I bet is Mamet).

I believe Ebert said something to the effect of this movie having the best curtain line since Some Like It Hot. He wasn't wrong.

Here's my only thing about this: I don't like the idea that they've essentially built up and paid off THE prime conflict of the show early, with the real, big, M60 balls-to-the-wall ending being between Walt and some guys we met in the last 10% of the show's run.

@avclub-5905114b2a37b2b7b0a719d55ac35cd9:disqus The idea of someone getting off one last call to their loved one — full of cryptic, tragic-in-hindsight statements — was I'm sure a novel, heart-wrenching plot development in your day, but a hundred-odd years on, has been used enough times to have often become the

On the DVD, there's a feature called "Plot Holes" that are little animated bits explaining a few unspoken/assumed things is movie (which aren't really "Plot Holes" but whatever). One of them is Diane explaining how she was able to escape all those zombies.

Yeah, whatever it takes to get more of this. Back out of all the fucking promises you want, boys.

Anytime Jen Kirkman does this, she really fulfills the potential of the idea. I'd watch a whole series of just her doing it, but that would mean she's an alcoholic (on the plus side, she would stop talking about how she's a Superhero for not having kids).

Read the card, read the card!