Only if the anticipated next mass causality on our soil doesn’t happen soon enough....because then he and the puppet masters can triple down on the power grabs, as well as kill our freedom of speech and the right to protest.
Only if the anticipated next mass causality on our soil doesn’t happen soon enough....because then he and the puppet masters can triple down on the power grabs, as well as kill our freedom of speech and the right to protest.
ugh I know. and to be fair she left of her own volition, and it’s a steep climb to make out a constructive discharge claim, and given that she has a new job probably not a lot in damages... BUT STILL. ANGER. HULK SMASH.
I had the same thought, but sadly I’m pretty sure she knew damn well that if she ever did sue them for it, she would never be hired by a big tech company again... :|
as a lawyer who is usually on the defense side of employment discrimination suits, and who also thinks that sometimes people are just assholes and it’s not about gender/race/whatever: GIRL SUE THEM.
The director replied back, saying that if we women really wanted equality, then we should realize we were getting equality by not getting the leather jackets.
I hope somebody is there to remind the burglars of the mess they left when they went away.
All joking and clever Tweets aside... how the fuck can anyone- with a straight face- say the San Bernardino attack wasn’t covered by the media? It was literally the lead story every day for about two weeks... and then was a story AGAIN with Apple’s refusal to unlock a fucking phone. DONALD TRUMP HAD STRONG OPINIONS OF…
A cab driver almost hit me on my bike two years ago when I had to swerve to avoid a pedestrian who stepped into the bike lane on Bleecker. He also honked his horn. The press never reported anything about it.
I trust a post-Taco Bell fart more than I trust Trump.
No one gets affect/effect right. Or imply/infer. And don’t get me started on nonplussed!
The GOP would have to decide that he’s no longer a useful rubber stamp for their legislative agenda, or the cabinet he just selected would need to mutiny against him.
“So-called”: that’s a direct threat to that judge.
outrageous ruling from a so-called judge, i believe is how he framed it.
Uh yeah and the fact that he is calling the judge’s ruling his “opinion”?? like dude no its the LAW not an idiotic man just willy nilly making decisions to suit his mood at the moment. some people are actually respecting the rule of law...
that he thinks what has happened here is an affront to law enforcement only further underscores the fact that he believes his word is law.
Steve Bannon looks like he discovered freebasing discount gin.
Yes, he did.
Fun fact: my friends who do analytics for political campaigns tell me a very large percentage of poll respondents who claim to be black Republicans are simply lying. They amuse themselves by looking up these people’s Facebooks and such and it’s very commonly a white person who’s just trolling the pollster.
I’ve heard drunk guys* slurring to an annoyed woman at a bar make more sense, indeed a more compelling argument than this.
Yes. Also, Michelle is allowed to have more emotions than just love for Barack (although obviously important). She’s allowed to poke at him, mock his dancing, display displeasure, and basically, be a fucking human being. All Melania’s allowed to do is say how amazing her husband is, how the media hates them, and wear…