
World population control through accelerated mortality. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or one.

Great story. Best one I've read all month. Oh, today's the 1st. Ok...I'll give it best in 2 months!

Totally seriously, Aliens.

H2O->Earth, thereby creating a new requirement for life-sustaining planets. There must be an unusual over abundance of water from an extra-planety source. :(( We're alone....

Props to the original LOTR hex gaming set. I am hoping Legos will complete what Sabertooth did not finish.

That's why the aliens are controlling our climate, making it warmer each year. They know that in the long run, the earth will be cooling so they need to offset the effects for us. Our alien overlords are soooo smart.

Not really "solved" the problem, but rather "patched" the problem. Nifty though none-the-less. I imagine a tunable circuit that will let you adjust the strobe for any vibration that affects them, just dial in the display until it is good.

Silly Jizmodo. Toilets are for playing Words with Friends. :(

I've seen pictures of these on the net (bbs's) since the mid 80's. ;-0

YAY! It's not illegal to sell stuff you don't have! WHOOPIE!

Maybe this will help prove there is a space medium....

Insert conspiracy theory here.

Howthey ever get real scientific information with our faulty human technology is still a mystery.

Thank you. I picked that up from here about 8 months ago. It has...pardon the phrase here..."stuck with me".

Jizmodo always finds a way to make me feel OK about my life. What would I do without you?

I know there's a wolf in there somewhere...

"Wireless" for activating equipment needs to be voice operated. Make it so.

Hmmm, not-so-secret? I think this was a level map for Socom 2

Ummm...yeah. We ALL will be working until the day we die from now on.

Which came first? The Robot or the foam?