Circuit Kop

I’m down with Jesse, We have enough slugs in the USA, lets get some good legal immigrants

If you have a different point of view you will not be published blocked my opinion screw u

Who cares where they are from or who they are as long as they immigrate legally and contribute to our society.

so Hogan, your advocating children to be taught the use of guns?. I agree with you on that subject

well said

It is sad to blame an inanimate object for these horrible incidents. I blame the loss of the family structure and I blame the “sheep” that the U.S. has produced in the last 30 years. Those who say Ban all guns have no grasp of the situtition. Ban all free speech!!

But black people and ISIS are going to break in my house.

I guess I’m not surprised that this blog employs someone who is expressly racist but I just wish they’d find one who isn't also a horrible writer.

Why, what makes them so evil and nefarious that they are the scourge people make them out to be? Because honestly I’ve heard nothing convincing at all from anyone why I cannot own one.

Define assault weapon. Is it any weapon that frightens you through aesthetics alone? Or is it that you simply want to curtail the rights of others to prevent yourself from being offended.

“Assault weapon” is a misconception based, usually, on the appearance of the weapon rather than it’s actually functionality. Many gun laws are hollow in that they seek to ban scary looking guns that function the exact same as guns with a traditional appearance. I know I sound like an ass, but true “assault weapons”

So, in your ideal “modern” America, when someone breaks into your home with the intent to do you or your loved ones harm either directly or as a result of you getting in the way of them wanting to steal something of yours, I assume they wouldn’t be armed with guns because guns would be illegal?

Awesome precedent I’ll just sue ford if I’m ever hit by one of their trucks.

“Thumbprint scanners that only allow certain people to pull the trigger. GPS that only allows the gun to fire at designated locations like the home or gun range. Face- or human-recognition that prevents guns from being fired at people. Etc.

I am shocked—SHOCKED— that Greg is framing this particular tragedy as a broader gun problem while casually dismissing the specific actions and intentions of a violent racist under the rug.

His views are wuite hollow

You list a bunch of people who “should” have guns. You realize your list could conceivably cover every american, right? I don’t get your point there.

To be totally honest if you go to the range every month you probably have more trigger time and experience than most police officers in the country

Mandatory carry for all American citizens. The Infowarsians are already discussing it and I think the idea gaining traction with some Teapublicans in Texas, based on Facebook ramblings of certain family members.

I don’t have to go read it. I just have to wonder why the phrase immediately before “...the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed” is mentioned so rarely. Thank you for bringing it up here.