Circle Thomas

It's just that in the latter, the solution to that is for a traumatized orphan to dress like a bat and beat up criminals.

For a while there this season, I was wondering if we were going to find out Falconne was really gay, and that they were going to let Doman play the kind of nuanced, closeted character that was hinted at when he was on The Wire, but that David Simon never got around to doing.

If I watch this show all the way through only to have Jim Gordon end up becoming a lumberjack, then I'm coming after you, Sandler.

I sarcastically tweeted while watching tonight's episode that nothing says "relevant" like a White Squall reference.

I, for one, really appreciate the reminders, because every time she opens her mouth, I think she's Little Orphan Annie.

I enjoyed the crossover in the same way one enjoys an Irish wake—it was funny because all the jokes highlighted when both of these shows were still fresh and relevant, which only served to show how past their prime they now are. If it was the last episode of both, it would have been a great send-off.

I'm pretty convinced that 95% of Adult Swim as a network was inspired by Hertzfeldt's animation.

Or, quite simply, Pet Shop Boys, "Thursday"

I knew it was a Boomtown Rats cover, but it was Tori's reading of the song that made me realize, hey, this shit is dark!

Imagine the scene where Rusty Cohl tells the baby killing woman to off herself before she gets to prison…with a laugh track.

And with the trophy in hand, Julianna Margulies can release the children of Emmy voters that she held in a basement pit in an unknown location.

You cannot kill The Killing. The Prophecy says there will be another season.

Any word on when Season 5 of The Killing will be released?

This episode would have been better titled, "A Million Ways to Die in the North."

Six Minutes is easily the greatest piece of celluloid to tackle the subject of the death penalty. As good as something like The Strategy was as an episode of TV, nothing I've seen in the past year has stuck with me as much as The Killing at its finest.

He does appear as a guest vocalist on "Past the Mission" on Under the Pink. I used to care SO much about Tori, and now I…just don't.

The rumor was always that it's about her miscarriage of the child she nearly had with Trent Reznor.

I loved loved LOVED Tori back in the days of Little Earthquakes all the way through Choirgirl Hotel, but then lost more and more interest with each subsequent album after that. Conversely, my love for all things Kate Bush has grown exponentially over the years.

Wait, are we talking about their looks, or their music?

It's the Archer crossover reference we've been all waiting for!