Circle Thomas

Good gravy, what kind of clown-car security firm does Rachel have in her employ? Supposedly Mrs. S' house is being watched, yet everyone—and I do mean EVERYONE (Sarah, Mrs. S, Felix—TWICE—, Ira, Delphine) seem to come and go as they please.

In the original book, Peter Pan kills the Lost Boys when they grow up to, in J.M. Barrie's words, "thin the herd."

Allison Williams has, in a very short career, mastered the art of playing a wide variety of characters who are absolutely horrible.

My main hope at this point is that Marnie suffers the same fate as Allison Williams' character in Get Out.

Or like when they moved all the programming about Nazis from The History Channel to Fox News.

That's a fascinating idea. It would explain how Ford can control the robots the ways he does, without saying a word—he's accessing the code through the network, the same way Maeve can now rewrite narratives.

We didn't see her die, though—we just saw Bernard/Arnold choking her. So it's still plausible she's alive.

I'm willing to bet Elsie isn't dead, and when Ashley wakes up/arrives at wherever the Ghost Nation is taking him, Elsie will be there, waiting for him.

If you had told me that Felix would turn into one of the most interesting—and empathetic—characters on Westworld three weeks ago, I wouldn't have believed it, but here we are. His interactions with Maeve have really humanized him, and made him worth rooting for.

Sure, but I think Felix pretty clearly has grown feelings for Maeve. Not sexual feelings, mind you, but a growing loyalty born out of friendship. I think he actively wants to help her, and that's why he's doing what she's asking.

It's a much shorter list of things on this show that aren't stupid.

Medleys do suck, but integrating product placement for Intel in the middle of it was tacky and disrespectful. No wonder Duncan Jones hated it so much.

I agree on St. Vincent, but Bowie himself apparently saw Lorde as one of his truest heirs. And, of course, he also seemed to have a lot of good things to say about Kendrick Lamar, Arcade Fire, and (reportedly) Kanye.

The first half of the album is perfectly fine for a pop album, albeit nowhere near as good as Rihanna's Anti, let alone that monster album from Mrs. Carter-Knowles.

Coming from the future, I will say it turns out Lady Gaga's Soft Canadian period is much better accepted than anyone ever anticipated—especially her duet with Gordon Lightfoot.

The second half of the album feels like Gaga found some rejected Olivia Newton-John demos and decided to tack them on to fill out 14 songs.

Gaga has been making a big deal about how she writes all her own music and plays all the instruments, but listening to Joanne, I can't help compare this to that other big club-unfriendly pop album that came this year from an artist primarily known for her club hits. Rihanna may not write her own music nor play the

Simple—season 3 is when the show really started to take off, so it's less that people don't like Tyra Sanchez, than they don't remember her.

Someone on Twitter actually compiled all the votes cast by fans across every social network. In this case, the overwhelming majority did, in fact, cast their vote for Katya. People are really passionate about this show and its winners—the fact that someone would bother to tabulate votes cast shows that. I don't for a

Yes, I'm sure being extremely unpopular among the Drag Race fans just leads to millions of album download, sold-out appearances and tons of people lining up for paid photos that, you know, pay a girl's rent.