
Maybe it’s because I’m an old guy and have been coming here since the days of the Royal We, but this wasn’t that long ago.

I am saying that the sort of personality which created that statement is the one that seems to have won her over despite what outside observers may conclude is a mismatch

Well the alternative is: no effort gets expended curing anyone, and then everyone is equal in their diseased state

You say that and yet, he’s marrying her and you’re not

It’s insane how quickly Oakland got good—they were 12 games under .500 last year and now they would be the best team in the National League by 3.5 games.

Well that certainly would be a more efficient use of the land

Also, just in terms of general finance principles—and you’re not the only one to misunderstand this—but share buybacks don’t result in the disappearance of money. They’re not an expense. It’s just a financing cashflow. It’s like saying that raising debt or selling equity in the market is actually “creating” money

Okay, so why wasn’t the NIH able to invent those cures while Gilead was “wasting” all that money on marketing?

The other way to look at this is: the American capitalist drug economy is so miraculous it’s essentially cured HIV and hepatitis (both of these happen to be Gilead Pharmaceuticals, fyi)

It’s not that weird. If you’re a D.C. native it makes total sense. If you are a transplant and, for example, have kids there, you’re probably going to adopt the baseball team of the new city (speaking from my own experience in Houston where substantially all transplants have abandoned their native teams)

Supreme is still growing, despite now being owned by a bunch of investment bankers.

but how terribly sad for his family and friend

Astros fan here. You should worry more about the Oakland A’s, who are the best team in baseball since July. The Astros have won 95 games already and are barely fending them off.

Rosenfels did great things on and off the field, and by off the field I mean literally, he did a helicopter thing suspended about four feet off the field

Houston has had one good QB ever, and that was Warren Moon. Is he yearning for those two glorious years of Matt Schaub?

Albert and Clay have a symbiotic take and counter-take relationship, but Burneko is smart enough to shade his picture in so you can’t see his stumpy porcine features that no woman on earth has ever looked at without expressing—in the best case—some form of polite avoidance (hence the jeremiad against straight males)

The masturbating bear was obviously a great gag, but for whatever reason, my favorite iteration was the version they put together for a fake French audience, “Le Bear Masturbateur” or something like that. They played La Marseillaise and the bear would salute for a few seconds, and then he would just start masturbating

Well if you included deaths from like heart attacks that happened six months later, you’d be inflating numbers

Which is itself really just a dynastic faction #threekingdoms #neverforget

They don’t eat those things more than other Americans though. Chinese people actually eat dogs with some frequency. Most Westerners will never eat a dog in their entire lives that they’re aware of.