
Drew, it’s really, really inaccurate to blame a source of financing (whether it be private equity, debt, or the world’s richest man) for the decline of journalism jobs

This was an awesome game. Never could get past that dragon though

I would say it’s more of an imprimatur to maybe tamp down the emotionally-laden editorial and hyperbole that inevitably accompanies deadspin et al’s recent reporting (to say nothing of the fad prose)

It’s taken a (semi) nosedive because it trades for 240x earnings and their subscription growth rate was not high enough to sustain that multiple. Still trading where it was on...June 1.

A joke from Veep

I’m citing factors that influenced the actual casting of votes, and I think the role of Russian propaganda in influencing actual votes cast is vastly overstated (this is not to say Trump or his proxies didn’t collude with them; I’m sure they did and I’m sure generally that Trump is under some sort of blackmail threat)

I don’t think most moderate Republicans or independents considered Obama to be a foreign Marxist socialist by any means, just a guy who was a little too utopian in his foreign policy and believed a little too much in the power of big government

Brennus might dispute that, but in any case, she’s a gift to the right.

He was a paroled felon—what was he in prison for in the first place?

His terrible defense blew the ALCS last year

Sure, in the same way that the Romans were scared shitless of Spartacus. Plenty of crosses on the Appian Way

Well you know how it is—better to be in the house than in the field (certain words omitted from Malcolm’s aphorism)

Albert, seriously, you don’t understand a fucking thing about how finance works, but you insist on asserting your own moral rightness on the subject, which makes you willfully retarded

“I am a failure, therefore those that succeed must be evil”

Albert, you should go start a newspaper and run it according to your socialist principals and tell us how it goes

Yeah, those self-loathing Labour party aristocrats sure built a vibrant post-war economy in Britain

Very few people—and nobody who should be taken seriously—has claimed that football “causes” CTE.

Dave Martinez is 10 years older than rookie manager Alex Cora who is doing great

It’s because their dad created the largest retail empire in US history up to the point of his death and then decided his children should get 45% of his money from that, which to me was his prerogative

The music is more distinctive. There are a lot of songs from the late ‘90s that could be released today, and no one would be able to tell the difference