
Hey deadspin—stick to circuses!

Don’t know whether I should start Matt Prater or Brandon Williams as my kicker this week. Recs?

The biggest choke in NFL playoff history—which occurred on January 3, 1993—also belongs to Houston, and to make matters worse, it was a choke against the Buffalo Bills.

If I wanted to see an amusing movie about the foibles of a Russian defector, I’d rewatch The Jigsaw Man

Hamilton Nolan always there with facile, easy-to-process solutions to all of our problems. He’s like Matt Yglesias for an even dumber audience.

I don’t know. Perhaps you should make decisions that match your preferences instead of complaining.

It’s cross-posted to deadspin, but since when are you only allowed to comment on posts you agree with?

Matt Levine—who is a smart guy—is pointing out using accurate finance terms that this is a bad deal.

I don’t always agree with deadspin’s politics, but I’m all on board with their scandal naming.

To be fair, the pigs are feral and do a lot of damage.

It was also kind of weird that in his post-game interview, CJ Anderson used the word “poised” having not heard the in-game broadcast narrative. It was the word of the night.

Lee Suggs

Hamilton Nolan always there to explain to you proletarians all the simple answers

This is a joke, but I actually am starting Dak Prescott

Real life oil man here. That stuff is underground! Takes years to extract and that is in fact the whole point of an oil industry.

Live by the sword, die by the sword

Your comment section under the Fantasy Football article isn’t working, so I’ll share my fantasy team here (12 team, PPR, snake draft):

I have no position on that one way or the other, presumably much like OBJ

I guess this is up there with the Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino speech at—funnily enough—the Donald Trump roast of 2011

Yes, that’s the joke