
It’s his property in the sense that he can enjoy it within the restrictions of whatever deed restrictions or laws apply to his neighborhood.

You may be right, but right now this is NBC’s problem

The videos that have been shown to us by Brazilian police have three segments and perspectives, none of which show vandalism.

Very possible they broke down a gas station door and also got robbed

If Russian swimmers lied about getting robbed in NY, they would probably not be arrested

Feel like this is a pretty minor change. Isn’t this kind of like how the Jameis Winston accuser changed some details about his height?

Or trouble as in this exact situation

Everything to me checks out about Lochte’s behavior:

Houston is not zoned, so yes you can and do have residential houses literally right next to brothels.

Wow—this led to a lengthy rabbit hole through my neighborhood’s local ordinances (I live in a small, independent, and very orderly city inside Houston TX)

Wow. I am a Texans fan née Oilers fan, and I feel sorry for these people.

I lived in England in 2002 and remember this—

There’s operating cash flow and there’s financing cash flow.

The case for instantaneous atheistic reincarnation:

Maybe they think y’all look like horses

Ross Perot also used visual aids in his NAFTA debate against Gore, to humorous effect. It did not work.

Where is Al Kaline when you need him?

It means cocaine—I can’t believe this one is losing
