
Eric Hosmer is a white

One thing they didn’t do—which I greatly appreciated—was that they didn’t have some greater enemy appear at the end to unite them all. The schism outlasted the movie itself.

Hey—she liked it and so did I. Good review!

Kevin Brown completely shut us down in the NLDS

This was a great Astros team too—aside from Biggio and Bagwell, you had Moises Alou, Derek Bell, Carl Everett at the peak of both his sanity and power, Richard Hidalgo—who you probably don’t know but was a very solid hitter for a few years.

You should see Rush—fun, well made movie

“It takes a big man to cry but a bigger man to laugh at that man”

Of the movies we’ve seen her favorite was Rush and her least favorite was 10 Cloverfield Lane

Seeing it with my wife on Saturday (for my birthday). She’s never seen one of these before. Will she get it? Hate it? Want to know how many chips I’m throwing on the table here.

You didn’t have anything bad to say about Kasich, so you did a vague, facile rant about Republicans instead.

Been to a couple of bachelor parties in Vegas, which were fine, but you should go to New Orleans or Austin or Cabo instead

“Never write anything you don’t want published in the New York Times” my dad always said

They should have it so that the two best teams in the league play each other in some sort of “play-on” game.

Bullying or no, these people need to get a life

Anything for star. My take was the correct one, whichever one you think that is.

Free market system just like the rest of our economy.

Couple of addendums here to this generally good advice from a now-married 34 year old who is also a veteran in love:

see: John Calhoun and the Nullification Crisis

It is Deadspin’s opinion that Travis and his wife are cool, and that the guy who yelled at them is a dick.

I did not renew my season tickets last year because they raised the prices and—during the 2015 playoffs—set face value to above market value for season ticket holders (I know this because I tried to flashseats a few of them)