
So super meat boy without colors and without team meat. I guess that’s something new. Just a bit strange to make a new meat boy clone without Tommy. Why not super meat boy 2 instead?

So based on that data. They should drop loosing feature from the game. Since nobody likes it. Simple fix would be to change word defeat to victory. Maybe the real victory could be called like awesome victory and the other just a victory. Then all happy.

Let me guess. Free to play. Gashapon. Grind forever same stuff to do more of the same stuff. With development time spend most on just thinking how to get players hooked and spend more money. Instead of actually just making a good game.

SJ is ok if it fit and enhance the game / movie. In Overwatch I feel it fits in it since it’s a group of global battling something group of something. But what annoys me is if the diversity is just added for diversity’s sake. Seems like trend that all shows need to have one Chinese girl, one Indian girl, one black

Yes they should, but they should release it for PC instead. So you know it could actually run the VR. So yeah Switch controller for PC and a VR mario would be awesome. Well actually can even forget the controller since all VR kits already have the controller. So yeah VR Mario for PC.

In reality:

Great art and the movie was great also. Story explained a lot more than the anime movie actually. Anime movie was more about just the athmosphere. Which was great. But this new movie was more about the beginning of Section 9 and Major. A good start for new movie franchise, but since everybody so butthurt I doubt they

Well it’s a Japanese game targeted mainly to Japanese audience. I think it just adds the atmosphere. Would be kinda stupid if they suddenly start asking about American trivia stuff, especially since many using the English translation is not even American. So yeah I’m just happy they even release it in other than Japan.

So now nobody not going to pirate anymore since there is the demo. Like in the old good times when we had demos. Nobody pirated games back then. :P

Would suck if it would turn out to be a good movie. Maybe better not watch it so can keep on hating. Cos hating is cool and smart. And I’m making the world a better place. And and Scarlett not Asian and I hate it.

Banning sounds bit extreme. They don’t ruining anybody else games at least. And they already paid for the game also so even tough you might loose in loot crate sales they are already paid customers. So its not very good customer service to ban them and would hurt your company image. 

I don’t understand why they mixed cel shading graphics with normal textured graphics. Why they just didn’t go full cel shaded one. Some of the background graphics in the new zelda looks like from 15 years old game that overused heightmaps. And well some of the level graphics just looks so lazily made.

Greaat. Now we just need a some random mans reaction to this random article and it would be awesome.

It was good social experiment at least. Tells lot about people, media and society in general.

Everybody knows it’s just a joke. Well a bad joke, but still a joke. And kind of old joke also. There is an actual genocides going around world at this current moment, but yeah let’s just focus on Pewdiepie cos he clearly want to kill all the Jews.


Maybe he was just joking. Not sure if he actually want to kill all the Jews. Maybe just couple.

In muslim countries they don’t want to show their bodies. That’s what those ninja burka costumes are for. You should move there. It’s fun. And it’s 2017 by the way. But good troll anyway.

Not sure if McDonalds burger qualifies as real food. ;)

They should have made Zarya gay instead. Then Russia probably censor the whole game. :P