
Or maybe cos news about a popular game that people actually play generate more consistent traffic and AD revenues than a random indie game news.

Newsflash: boobs are popular on Internet.

So problem is that pirates cannot buy more games now. Dang where the pirates going to buy their pirate games now then. Think of all the pirate money Nintendo is loosing now.

Bit strange game design by blizzard tough. Basically making character that makes the game more fun for that one character and less fun for all the others. Remove health packs and skills doesn’t seem so fun in the long run. So basically the game just got less fun to play for 5 people in the group. :P

Yeah what a horrible ARG. :D

Usual game designer stuff. They think that thinking the ideas is an actual job. :P Anybody can make the game design idea in a second, but it takes many hundreds of hours of coding and drawing to bring those ideas to reality. That’s the actual work part.

Legit is not exactly the word I would use. Canadian Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement is probably just a fancy name for their scam organization. Somebody just have smelled a good business. The developers would have never seen any of that $5'000. 

And Mei’s ultimate to freeze him? Otherwise isn’t that cyber ninja going to go running around and hit you in the face after shot with grenade.

Can you make a lets watch video of a movie or a lets read video of a book. No? Then why would you be able to do it for visual novel. Pretty obvious I think.

You know guys right that you are not forced to do that ARG thing and it doesn’t cost anything. So just don’t do it if it doesn’t interest you. :P

Yeah they must be really angry about all the publicity and free advertisement that the marketing guy created. They better try hide their marketing tweets more better next time.

Of course there good answer to the that. In perfect world it should try protect all. And after that on its spare time it should build own little Mercedes-Benzes for starving kids.

Absurd thing is all those “normal” people who hate rich people still dream about wining lottery and getting rich also. Isn’t then they would become what they despise also.

Whats the point to see 105 minutes review. In that time you can already see half the actual movie and make up your own mind if you like it or not. :D

Whats with that important fixing of Mei pic at end. Isn’t the other one a original Blizzard concept of art of Mei. So how could it be wrong. Also I think the original looks more strong anyway. Really looks like a woman who can freeze stuff and shoot them in the head. The other just looks like somebody who can freeze

Great. Just don’t over hype it this time. Great game was ruined by whiny over hyped angry joe wannabes. :P

Atleast they didn’t steal the art style from overwatch also. That they steal from WoW instead. Let’s see propaply next they going to add some trading cards to the game. :D

The old one had really smooth ambient occlusion, subsurface scattering, cast shadows and depth of field blur. In the video all those are gone in the new version. So yeah definitely downgrade technically. Old one was probably press material made with powerful PC. New one is actual what consoles can produce.

I’m sure there will be more lucio ball kind of events later, but for now you cannot have super special event every week simply cos it would take too much resources to make. Even to think about a testing and tweaking a totally new kind of gameplay would need more than week if they want to keep their blizzard level

Chubby guy eating random deep fried snack junk and making video about it. Let me guess. You are from America? :D