Retire? He’s 42. So he just going to sitting on a sofa and getting fatter for the next 40 or so years? Hopefully he have a comfy sofa. :P
Retire? He’s 42. So he just going to sitting on a sofa and getting fatter for the next 40 or so years? Hopefully he have a comfy sofa. :P
It’s not a suicide if you know that a magical ghost will come revive you. I didn’t know that game before. But it is pretty obvious from the comic that the game seems to involve a time rewinding magic ghost that appear when somebody die. I’m pretty sure Katie didn’t mean to make fun about suicide. More about how absurd…
Just pull the game out from there. Easy fix.
That’s cool. Buy this console. Buy that console. Buy same console twice. Just Maybe. Maybe we should just like stop buying consoles at all and switch to just PC. They basically build them from same components anyway.
It’s like they want so badly to prove that she is not just a sex object. That she is a real independent woman. But then take it bit too far by making her too normal and boring. Heroes should be more than just average Joe or Jane.
The toxic community is actually their own fault. There just some game designs in the LoL that really drive that toxic behavior. Like last hitting in a team game is a pretty obvious example. And really long matches. But they cannot really change the core features anymore so cannot be helped.
They simply cannot match the hype anymore. People are expecting too much. It would be too expensive to make game that really is Half-life 3 that people are waiting for. Valve has more easier ways to make money.
Probably they don’t work simply just cos they notice that they cannot load a new world in a blink of an eye.
Not that I know about anything. But already the first sentence sounds different. Steam doesn’t have multiple or any subscriptions. At least I haven’t subscribed to anything.
Looks cool but I think I skip this one and wait for battlefield 2.
Ultramon? Is it some of those pokemons I been hearing about. Looks shiny atleast.
Good to know that asian men can only shoot dragons from their bows. And having duplicate copies of themselves running around killing each others and resurrecting back to life 10 seconds after being killed. But cannot change to girls.
Shooting dragons from your bow is fine. But Hanza for name. Impossible. :D
You know right that it’s not a real person? It’s a made up character with a made up name. In a future with a bow that shoots spirit dragons.
At first it was the best ARG in long times and now it’s the worst ARG ever. Good job Internets. :D
100 or 200 graphics? What that even means? That’s like less what original doom probably had. :D
That’s good then because attacking is generally more easier anyway cos it only takes one good push to win the match. One whole enemy team wipe during the 5 minute match can cause the win. And in game full of instant kill ultimate’s this is pretty easy to do.
Are you stupid or what? You don’t need to deserve privacy. In Sweden it’s protected by law for anybody to have privacy in their private property. Doesn’t matter if you Pewdiepie or Kimekaro. Law is the same for all.
Because (s)he accidentally eat a poisonous food just before the photoshoot but too embarrassed to tell the photographer that (s)he is currently dieing. So (s)he just act cool. Or maybe it’s a shadow from a nearby tree. Or makeup. Or (s)he is being controlled by aliens.
What’s the big deal with half life 3 anyway. Half life 2 was already just a normal shooter among others. That didn’t really bring anything new to the genre. So I wouldn’t expect half life 3 to be much different.