
Katniss in space. :D

If there’s a random generated destructible terrain in this game then it’s very unlike there going to be any kinda real multiplayer in this game. Would require to sync a lot data.

All that would have been needed was many Junkrats. And just let rain a bombs on that pile of D.Vas. But people don’t seem to know to change to counters when they face there lot of same hero teams.

You the one who is stupid and naive if you think it’s not ok for Chinese movie makers to use whoever actor they want. They are not trying to save the world from racism or what ever stupid reason you have for thinking that it’s not ok for Chinese movie makers to use Matt Damon in their action movie. There is lot of

And why would it matter even if it would be for whitewashing. It’s not illegal. Movie makers can make what ever movies they want to make. It’s their living and business anyway. Customers are then free to choose what movies they want to watch. If you wanna see a movie with all Chinese actors then no problem. There is

In steam it says it’s single player game and not multiplayer so why would anybody expect it to have multiplayer. I’m sure if they would have developed such a expensive feature, they would have also advertised it and added multiplayer tag to steam.

Well Japanese tend to be kinda light skinned. But anyways I think there some actual real problems in the world also that would be better to focus on than some lack of skin tone in a random mobile game. You know. Problems that actually affect peoples lives. Problems that actually create racism. But no. Lets just create

Numerous times try to fix such a trivial thing. How hard is it to just add a check that if character != Lucio then character = Lucio. :P

You guys do understand right that consoles exist only cos Sony and Microsoft want to make more money by selling their custom reskinned PCs and then charging a almost double of the normal price for the games to it. It would be same if some roads would be exclusive to just some car brands like BMW. Wouldn’t make any

That explains why they said there only 10% of what they have planned in the game currently. Seems they just don’t know how to do anything more complicated. Well now they don’t even have that 10% anymore cos they keep on removing stuff.

Or just do what ever want and ignore old geezers who told you not to play your video games. :D

Depends on what point you look at it. For business view it’s not so ridiculous to collaborating with one of the world most popular brand. It’s a win-win for both Nintendo and McDonald’s.

Cannot get PotGs and then you say multi-kills with grenade right after that. So how come you cannot get those sweet PotGs with multi-kills then? Is the Q of the game really only way to get those. :D

I would suggest just draw anything you want. And after hundreds of hours you become a bit better. Then you can start reading books and tutorials if you still interested to learn more. But at first you do fine with just pencil and paper.

Seems Hindu leaders play too much Overwatch. There other games also if this one too offending. Bad Blizzard always so controversial.

Yeah seems it adjust the image size based on the browser window size. The size seems to go smaller if make browser window smaller. They should definitely cap the max size to the original size at least, cos going larger than the original will just blurring the image.

lol... that reaper speed boost looked so broken. :D

Miss out on so much? Really what so big stuff to miss out if cannot play pokemon go as easily as others? It’s just one game that people probably hyped for couple months and then forget it. There like over 10 other pokemon games also that much more better than this one and they don’t require any moving around.

Maybe play the normal pokemon games. They more better anyway. If I would want to play pokemon I would definitely pick one of the 3DS games instead of this free to play nonsense.

Ofcourse they different. That advertisement is pre rendered 3D animation. Not a real time animation run on a mobile phone. :P