
I think giving guests “fake” weapons is crossing the line, exactly for this reason, as any actual psycho could bring real weapons and not get caught. I haven’t been at a haunted house theme park for years, but I never heard of an employee giving guests fake weapons as part of the experience. The only people holding

My grandpa used to ask my mom (and later all his grandkids), “Do you want a Hershey bar?” And when we’d say yes, he’d say, “Me, too.”  It was a black mark on an otherwise stellar grandpa record. 

Are you a woman? I left an abusive relationship and got shit for not being loyal. I also got shit for not leaving sooner. There is no right way to exist.

She reacts in an adult responsible way: “HA HA CUCK! THIS IS WHY WE NEED A REAL MAN TO TAKE CHARGE.”

Imagine if we lived in a country where this could negatively impact a candidate?

I didn’t necessarily want her to punch him in the face, but I absolutely want her to punch him in the face.

That’s not how being a manager works. You’re responsible for the appearance of your staff. If I wore assless chaps to work (even though my dress code doesn’t specifically outlaw assless chaps) it would be someone’s job to tell me not to do that because although some establishments are fine with assless chaps, this one

I also called my friend Christy, who lives in a sixth-floor Manhattan walkup, who has no friends that visit her.

Okay, so I was NOT the only one who heard that.

“There’s a disconnect between something that is happening between our primarily white male critics who don’t like anything that has any emotion.”

Why would anyone watch this? If I wanted to watch something that drowns me in a morass of despair, reinforcing the hopelessness and futility of existence, I’d watch the last State of the Union. 

Can I just say how obnoxious and presumptuous I find all of Dan Fogelman’s titles to be? This is Us. Life Itself. It’s like he’s setting this shit up to be the SUPERLATIVE THOUGHT PIECE ON THE UNIVERSAL HUMAN EXPERIENCE when really these names are just lazy and vague.

You make a valid point.

Actually, victims of abuse aren’t required to “reckon” with anything. That’s the job of society as a whole. Society shouldn’t just get to shove that responsibility off on the victims.

Yeah she’s not shitting on them, but obviously going from being a CEO to being a barista is a reversal down the chain of command. And more than that, there are about a million and one barista positions available, just like retail positions and server positions. Doesn’t make them less important or difficult, just that

Actually, I think she is showing empathy for the working class when she tells these guys that they might learn something working a service job. I think she’s implying there’s no shame in sweeping the floor at a restaurant. If men can’t treat others with respect, they don’t deserve all the perks that come with a

I don’t think she’s shitting on them.  She’s just pointing out there are options other than “continue receiving five figures for a single night of standup work” and “homeless.”  People (read:men) act like if these guys aren’t immediately restored to their former glory, their poor wife and kids (who no one seems to

Assuming Starbucks will hire them, that is. Hey, I hear McDonalds is soft on harassers and abusers!

I’m more offended by the fact that her ass looks like a nutsack.