whoops totally ignored the dates. haha. I am going to get it on friday then. too bad its ea (origin). I wish so bad it was steamable.
whoops totally ignored the dates. haha. I am going to get it on friday then. too bad its ea (origin). I wish so bad it was steamable.
Bulletstorm shows up as $18.65 for me. I'm in the US.
well since the original is coming to Steam, any chance this will eventually show up there too?
the series has concluded today with an epilogue 3 years from now (2015). vidzilla said he'll post a director's cut imgur album on /r/pics tomorrow
and the fact that they have come so far and become a sort of ubiquitous melting pot? a water, earth and fire bender associated with each other.
is it true, it's been pushed back to 2013? or is it still launching in the later part of the year?
I am in complete agreement.
I just wanted an excuse to post this. discovered this channel yesterday. many lols were had
titanium media sync also provides dropbox syncing functionality. it's been featured before
they can be found for sale here. they've been around for a while now. a year or so at least
has there been a confirmed sequel let alone a title? and if they wait long enough it should really be 720/ps4/pc
very expensive candy...
I got Heavy Rain yesterday (well, 2 days ago now) and beat it in one go. fantastic. now I have to start on Nier. Later down the road, Fallout 3 and then back to some more Borderlands (I never finished PT2 or DLC).
in less than a year, I have around 50. damn those steam sales and indie bundles
flamebaiters get off on it. trolls do it for the lols
it probably won't be as good as it sounds, but I'm still going to watch it.
you only need the 1st to accomplish your goals. just sayin'
this is odd. I was just reading about this yesterday.
the Riddler has not been in any of the Nolan films fyi.