
One of them needs to wear a hat with artificial fruits and the others have to try to shoot the apple from her head.

I would take up archery, if it involved a picturesque archery hat.

It makes sense because, for a criminal, there’s no point in escalating things and getting convicted for more serious charges if you can avoid it. They have stricter gun laws so there are few handguns around anyways and it’s harder and more expensive to get your hands on one. Chances are if you can afford to buy a gun

*There are too many old white folks in that photo for me to buy the “random” part of this totally avoidable clusterfuck.

It’s a pretty popular opinion among college-age males (ie that women have an unfair advantage when it comes to custody arrangements) so this is a rant I’ve delivered many times.

Kylie, you add ramen to boiling water and the flavor packet. You don’t have to use up the entire packet. If you flip the package over, there’s directions.

He’s been doing it for 9 months. What’s 90+ days?

The moment DC has a good story to tell instead of using its trash IP to slap together a team-up, maybe that will work for them. Until then, they should try some world building.

First of all, he’s not saying it’s mildly sexist, he’s saying it’s sexism that is mildly appalling. Second, being appalled is not the same as being dead or pregnant, which are two physical states that someone is or isn’t. A feeling can have different levels of severity. I can be mildly disgusted by a coworkers stained

To be entirely fair, the trailers were clearly trying to make it look like this would be their Guardians of the Galaxy, so my guess is people expected a lot more comedy. Dark comedy, maybe, but comedy.

So some people went to the a movie featuring some of the most violent, sadistic characters in the DC universe and expected something else other than violence, sexism, over-the-top action, and machismo? Sometimes I wonder what are the qualifications to be a film critic. I guess the ability to breath is one of them.

Ahhhh gods I was so disappointed in this character being a thing... honestly I’ve read fanfic that made better sense than this whole mess.

I just can’t believe the amount of stupid, misogynist anti-Hilary nonsense coming from Sanders supports. So, Wikileaks and Vladimir Putin conspire to make the DNC look bad, and the smoking gun is one email from a staffer suggesting they ask Bernie “tough questions” at a town hall meeting. All this is supposedly

I have a panic attack every time i hear about a democrat who wants to vote for Trump just to spite Hillary.

Clarification is important. It is a vile act in any case, but the distinction (“Syrian refugee kills woman” vs “man murders partner”) makes a difference in the lives of other innocent people.


That Rocky Horror actually looks good. I thought it was going to be live. Thank goodness it’s not.

Not to keep posting on here, but one of the worst things he did was contribute to a MASSIVE HIV outbreak in Scott County, Indiana. It’s one of his scandals that people seem to forget but it’s horrifying. HORRIFYING. In 2013 the only Planned Parenthood there closed due to lack of funding, which left the county without