
Oh! And I’m sorry to leave two replies, but I just realized I was pretty early to the game.

Whatever the opposite of charming, that’s what Hiddleswift is.

So... I’ve noticed that Jezebel has turned to tragedy/terror reporting quite a bit lately.

Jesus. When I worked retail I would have given that chaperone some serious respect. I saw people steal so much shit, (or rather saw the evidence they left behind) but I wasn’t allowed to stop them due to union laws.

I... This upsets me deeply.

I’d just like to say a very eloquent “Suck it, Texas republicans!”

True! I own a fairly comfortable one from Orchard Corsets, actually.

Yes please! It’s so irritating.

I think this happens a lot when we see victims who turn into abusers themselves or very messed up criminals later in life. We can sympathize with the horrible things they went through, but also recognize that they don’t get a free pass because of it.

As if that coffin needed another nail. Jesus.

That video... So poorly spliced D:

I quickly ducked out after the initial glance.

I will say that the local school’s mascot is the “Redskin/Redskins” and no one seems to care. It’s... Creepy and as racially tone-deaf as you can get.

Right?? I don’t know what we put in the water in this state. Maybe it’s all the chemicals leeching out of Lake Erie, but these sort of people are unfortunately not rare.

You should have seen the replies on the police’s Facebook posts regarding these three. It was insane.

This was in my town!!! At the McDonald’s 5 minutes away from me! Now we’ll finally be known for something other than the guy who screwed a picnic table!! Progress.

Especially in the wake of a national tragedy.

My grandmother just posted in support of this on Facebook. She also claimed that the president was Muslim in the same post, and an ISIS sympathizer.

Please. We all would have voted in the dead chicken in that case! ;p

I was thinking summer sausage! Or maybe a Swiss roll?