
The delusion is strong with this one.

Sanders will be 79 by 2020.

Is that the horseshoe theory in action?

The German voting process and Constitution are very different from the US as it was build to keep right wingers (and other extremists) from power after WWII.

Does Amazon sell tin foil hats?

What’s a fart?

Our biggest concern should be the acidity and CO2 content of the oceans.

You don’t know what the word “fact” means do you?

You’re lying. Time travel has not been invented yet.

What’s an ass?

That American person was chosen by the American people, no?

Why is this idiocy being imposed by the American people on the rest of the world?

America does not have a conscription. Vets make a choice to join the US army.

So women feel unsafe and not show up?

The designate soldier shames a rock against a hilarious vegetarian.

When will my chain poison the spaced welcome?

How can the colleague protest a scotch?

This is the tomato troll, no?

If Trump makes enough of a mess (which he undoubtedly will), maybe?