
Who’s “we”?


Do you have any proof that men will just stop raping?



Never mind, you’re a man.

So no quote, huh?

I hope though that you might widen your perspectives and come to understand that the social constructs we are attempting to correct have been around for about as long as our species.

Yes, perception should be the biggest concern here. Not the fact that women are assaulted by men daily.

Yes, I am also the reason why patriarchy and misogyny exist.

You know, you can admit that you can’t find any.

You did not answer my question.

No there is not damage done to men by a system they created to suite them.

I’m not a feminist.

You can’t see how catering to men with bullshit like “patriarchy hurts men” and “men can be feminists too!!!” is male centrism? And that’s not even mentioning supporting abusive industries like porn and prostitution and labeling them as feminist to not seem like prudes and because men benefit from them.

Says who?

Damn, American politics must be something else if 3% of voters can hand a candidate such victory. Wonder who the other 97% are voting for though. Do their votes get split between other 97 candidates?

Who am I trolling?

I think that you’re the one who missed the point. OP spent time in an environment that fosters rapists and claims that he never heard Trump-talk there. There are then only two possibilities to the scenario:

And I should care because...?