

Is googling “human trafficking in Nevada” too difficult for you?

Offensive to whom? Locker rooms?


Every once in a while I’ll try to engage with someone who doesn’t seem to get it.

I find it interesting that he feels so comfortable saying these things out-loud on a radio show.

Maybe it’s antique.

Sleep well.

I’m laughing so hard, please stop, you’re killing me.

Do you even read the links you post? The Atlantic talks specifically about these countries being worse when it comes to laws that aim to prevent human trafficking. It does not state that those are the countries in which human trafficking occurs the most.

Citation needed for what? Don’t you read your own comments before posting them?

Women are not responsible for male behavior. If a woman kicked a guy who assaulted her and then got punched in the face by said guy, would that make you happy? 

He did not need to comment on the issue at all.

Man compares women to non-sentient objects to prove some point.

You do know that legalizing prostitution increases human trafficking right? The number of men who want to pay for sex is always higher than the number of women who willingly become prostitutes.

Legalize human trafficking and child rape?

The only thing the article says is:

The one from Ukraine who claims that she’s an alien or something?