
I would not be surprised to find out that the sheriff raped a woman (or women) at some point of his life.

Good luck.

In the present, I believe that the most pressing issues are securing reproductive rights and ending physical and sexual violence against women.

I actually do.

As I’ve said before, those people are not doing a very good job.

Do you have a point?

So basically the only trolling I did was analyze historical and current situations. I’m baffled by how people like you manage to survive in the real world. Do you scream “troll” every time someone states that water is wet?

I can’t be a lesbian separatist because I am 100% straight.

I’m so, so sorry that real life is so tough for you that you resort to accusing a person on the Internet of trolling for pointing it out.

I’m a woman, not a he.

Things have been improving for women in the last couple of centuries because it is the first time in history that women really grouped together and started to gradually demand rights. + the Industrial revolution and 2 world wars helped to push women economically forward.  

How am I being socipathic? I don’t think that that word means what you think it means.

Denying men their God-given right to sexually harass and assault women is discrimination and the most important human rights crisis facing the planet right now.

I disagree and think history makes quite obvious the good done by male allies

What do you mean by “checks on women at every turn”? Women all over the world are starting to fight back against those institutions. Obviously in richer countries there has been some progress and now it’s up to women to continue to fight and help out the women in worse situations.

Is that some sort of coping/defense mechanism on your part?

Educating women about it and demanding action from women who are slightly better off.


For what?

You believe that all of a sudden they think that fighting sexism is “the right thing to do” right now after thousands of years of oppressing women, because...what? Because this is the time period you happen to live in? This has to be considered some sort of logical fallacy, the belief that things must be different