
Don’t forget, you’re “slut-shaming” him:

So that’s a yes?

You’re a rapist, yes?

I reckon all forms of activism are “illiberal”, no?

The only one being obtuse here is you. I don’t know what you motivation to trivialize this woman’s experience is, but it’s an incredibly shitty thing to do.

And do many CPAs suffer from PTSD from their work? When was the last time an accountant wrote an article about having paralyzing flashbacks from sitting behind a desk in an air-conditioned office?

Yes, there are similarities between sex work and other occupations.

My mother holds a government accountant job. Funnily enough, she never compared it to being a stripper/call-girl.

Are you a sex-worker? Define what you mean by a lot of people.

It’s possible that the couple would never have been charged if Hardcastle hadn’t contacted the alleged victim on Instagram, writing, “You said you liked it rough and so I gave you what you wanted.”

Except that being a sex worker is literally not like any other job.

How is being an accountant in any way similar to being a sex-worker?

Since the CEO is a man, I doubt it.

Несе Галя воду,
Коромисло гнеться,
За нею Іванко,
Як барвінок, в’ється.

– Галю, ж моя Галю,
Дай води напиться,
Ти така хороша –
Дай хоч подивиться.

– Вода у ставочку,
Той піди напийся,
Я буду в садочку –
Прийди подивися.

– Прийшов у садочок,
Зозуля кувала,
А ти ж мене, Галю,
Та й не шанувала.

– Стелися, барвінку, –
Буду поливати,

Ти казала в понедiлок - пiдем разом по барвiнок.

Smarter? The French people I know claim that she is known in France for being very “niaise”.

I don’t think that pederasty was as common in Sparta as in other Greek states/cities.

He’s proud of ruining women’s healthcare in his state. Is that really someone you should feel sorry for?

Yes it is. Nothing “sarcastic” about it.